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Public Archive / share-mods-archive / looie Quickturn version 3 made for 1 7
10:19 AM
oh its the the thing!!
@Davii has reached level 2. GG!
i like this mod
10:22 AM
thanks for posting it here
Smoothy did some extensive testing of the early versions so this one should be exploit free
👌 2
10:22 AM
I'm glad he did
I love this mod I remember boosting around the map (probably an exploit) but it made the game so much more fun and enjoyable.
9:37 PM
Do you have to be running full speed to boost backward now?
Do you have to be running full speed to boost backward now?
Boost strength is decided by player speed and how sharp the turn is with 180° being the strongest. 90° works too, but I think only 30% of the power. Of course below a certain player speed you are not qualified for the sharp turn.
11:59 PM
As for activation, it's the big enough speed and pressing the run button that counts, hence why you need to be at running speed, but with the run button released to be eligible.
12:00 AM
To do the jump in the third video for example, you jump, release the run button and after you land (or about to land), turn around and press the run/jump button to execute.
Boost strength is decided by player speed and how sharp the turn is with 180° being the strongest. 90° works too, but I think only 30% of the power. Of course below a certain player speed you are not qualified for the sharp turn.
Was this implemented with the new tweaks on exploits, or was this in the original version? (edited)
Was this implemented with the new tweaks on exploits, or was this in the original version? (edited)
The version I uploaded here is the updated version that has existed for a while now, which makes quick turn less drastic alongside security checks that make it less exploitable in epic or with macros.
9:58 AM
As for the strength on turn, this has already existed, but in newer versions I changed the power curves from somewhat linear to exponential, so the drop in power is more severe in less sharp turns
Do you have any other ideas like this that can make the game more aggressive and enjoyable?
11:22 AM
I might create a new mod, something like this but with more mechanics added
I don't want to add them willy-nilly, but I can spoil you one thing: I could port some JRMP mechanics over to vanilla, maybe with a lot of retooling now that I have know how people play with them, what they lack and where they shine.
1:44 AM
And when asset packs are added, a JRMP server pack is definitely something that could be done.
D E S T I N Y 9/24/2022 7:10 AM
Do you plan to port jrmp to 2.0? (edited)
And when asset packs are added, a JRMP server pack is definitely something that could be done.
That sounds like a really good idea
8:22 AM
But, I think you should change the punching mechanics
8:23 AM
I feel like alot of people use the punch button to run, and running takes off one of the punches from your punch cooldown (edited)
@chem has reached level 6. GG!
I feel like alot of people use the punch button to run, and running takes off one of the punches from your punch cooldown (edited)
It can get really annoying in jrmp when you’re running and you fall because you run out of punches
To fill you in, JRMP was designed primarly for PC and because of that I wouldn't think more people would play this more on mobile than on PC with a gamepad, so this shortsightedness really made JRMP suck on phones
8:25 AM
In JRMP 2.8 (before I stopped working on the project) overhauled the punches so that the first punch is always stronger than the follow up punches, encouraging the kind of gameplay I wanted without punishing the old playstyle.
If you can, I think it would be a better idea for the assets on a JRMP-like server
This Discord definitely proved there is still craving for content focused mods, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's demand for a polished, definitive JRMP experience with everything that makes it fun and the more questionable mechanics overhauled and polished up
To fill you in, JRMP was designed primarly for PC and because of that I wouldn't think more people would play this more on mobile than on PC with a gamepad, so this shortsightedness really made JRMP suck on phones
I really liked it on PC and mobile, which might sound weird to you. Honestly I didn’t have much of a problem besides this mechanic
See on gamepad it's different, you have a dedicated run button that's easy to use, so the punch stamina mechanic only comes into play if you really do play the old fashioned way
8:27 AM
but a lot of people bounced off from the mod, because they felt like the only way to play the game was taken away
8:28 AM
I think I can encourage JRMP's way of play without totally alienating people who want to experience the content, but can't stand punch stamina
8:28 AM
In general JRMP punches are much stronger to offset punch stamina, but if I was overhauling the mechanics yet again and removing punch stamina, I would make punches overall weaker and the first punch would have the same strength or so.
8:29 AM
I would definitely leave grab counters in, because they make people rely less on punch grabs
In general JRMP punches are much stronger to offset punch stamina, but if I was overhauling the mechanics yet again and removing punch stamina, I would make punches overall weaker and the first punch would have the same strength or so.
Or maybe even the first 2 punches can be close to full strength with this mechanic. People can rely more on the punch button to run (most people do) to not mess up their damage, or you can change the damage if the character actually hits something.
8:33 AM
For example, spaz doesn’t hit another entity or player, so it doesn’t reduce his punch value (edited)
I don't really agree with this, because generally people spam punch knowing someone is approaching. From what I've saw from the gameplay, people that use punch for running rarely punch immediately after just to hit an opponent.
8:34 AM
Sometimes the fixes could be much simpler, like make character's rotational speed less important for racking up damage. JRMP already does this, but we could push it further.
8:35 AM
So twerking isn't as effective
8:35 AM
But we're in theorycrafting and I don't intend to revisit JRMP anytime soon, I have other projects on my mind, but when the time comes, you can be calm knowing I will revisit this problem.
But we're in theorycrafting and I don't intend to revisit JRMP anytime soon, I have other projects on my mind, but when the time comes, you can be calm knowing I will revisit this problem.
Sounds good, honestly I can’t wait to see how bombsquad will turn out and with the new updates coming out, I feel like it’s a bad time to come back. If you even or ever do come back, I’m looking forward to seeing what you create. (edited)
Sounds good, honestly I can’t wait to see how bombsquad will turn out and with the new updates coming out, I feel like it’s a bad time to come back. If you even or ever do come back, I’m looking forward to seeing what you create. (edited)
Even non-BombSquad projects?
Definitely, I’ve been wondering where you went to do your development and other projects. I’d love to see them, where can I look?
Definitely, I’ve been wondering where you went to do your development and other projects. I’d love to see them, where can I look?
I talk about them from time to time on my JRMP Discord server, but currently I'm working on a game. DM me for an invite.
It reminds me of my modified version of the quick turn, but much more refined. Also i tried to exploit it in a lot of ways, and it is way less exploitable. You can still get a lot of speed on open maps, but for me it's alright for the size of these. I just have one problem, I don't feel it too consistent, sometimes i tried to do a turn but nothing came of it (which was kind of annoying) Still, I think this is the result of trying to make it less exploitable. But yeah I have an idea, maybe instead of giving you more speed the sharper your turn, give a fixated amount of speed(enough to change directions fast), also make it more consistent (requiring a less sharper turn to trigger it)
It reminds me of my modified version of the quick turn, but much more refined. Also i tried to exploit it in a lot of ways, and it is way less exploitable. You can still get a lot of speed on open maps, but for me it's alright for the size of these. I just have one problem, I don't feel it too consistent, sometimes i tried to do a turn but nothing came of it (which was kind of annoying) Still, I think this is the result of trying to make it less exploitable. But yeah I have an idea, maybe instead of giving you more speed the sharper your turn, give a fixated amount of speed(enough to change directions fast), also make it more consistent (requiring a less sharper turn to trigger it)
But yeah I have an idea, maybe instead of giving you more speed the sharper your turn, give a fixated amount of speed(enough to change directions fast), also make it more consistent (requiring a less sharper turn to trigger it)
This was the first thing I tried during the prototyping phases. It was even more uncontrollable and unintuitive than before. This is why I scrapped that.
I'm floored that this has become the most starred submission on the entire server. Truly I am! EDIT: No longer true, but the mind remembers! (edited)
eric 2
Good job miki
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